Right Call ©

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See what RIGHT CALL can do for your practice

Intelligence that delivers real results to Physicians & Providers

60 to 70% of Hospital revenue is tied to the operating room. Yet, because of manual process, missed opportunities and inefficiencies in scheduling, hospitals lose millions of dollars in potential revenue.

For instance, an Anesthesiologist in a teaching hospital could cover more than one operating room but no more than 4 at any given time. If Medicare is involved, there are rules that govern the coverage and the team (SRNA/CRNA) involved.

Any lapse in not following the rules will result in lost revenue!

RIGHT CALL is highly customizable AI powered software and mobile app, that guides the physicians to the best sequence of rooms so the provider does not have to worry about missed revenue opportunity.

Improved Patient Flow

Al solution that learns over time and adjusts the block time by physician history and the type of surgery

One Touch Access

Seamlessly integrates with existing EMR/EHR systems to extract relevant patient & surgery data with one touch access.

Maximize Revenue & Real time Billing

Customizable rules driven engine to maximize revenue and eliminate billing errors.

Improve OR Efficiency

Intelligent pairing of staff to improve OR efficiency.

Better Patient Experience

Reduce patient wait times and eliminate barriers that lead to decreased patient access.